When Lana and I decided to get married, we considered having a ceremony on one of our beautiful local beaches and throwing a big party for everybody we knew.  In 10 minutes we spouted out the names of about 250 people we wanted to invite!  Then we began looking for a venue.  We spent about 3 weeks looking at facilities that might be able to do what we wanted, and kept coming away disappointed.  This was turning into a BIG undertaking, bigger than either of us wanted.  We were depressed and disappointed.  Then Lana made the suggestion that we "just go somewhere" to get married.  The idea grew on me, so we looked at some options, and finally decided to get married on the island of St. Marten (map).  We liked the idea of the the island being split between two cultures, Dutch and French, and the beaches looked wonderful, which made Lana happy!  After getting the blessing of our parents (you never really grow up, you know...), we started doing some research.  Tripadvisor.com had lots of good comments about the Grand Case Beach Club, and we liked the description of the town...a fishing village, away from the crowds, with a good beach and excellent restaurants.  A quick look at Expedia.com showed some rates that we were happy with, so we booked the trip, then started looking for someone to coordinate the wedding.  Again the Internet came to our rescue, and we settled on Lucie Davis at Tropical Weddings and Honeymoons.  Decisions made, tickets bought, and wedding dress procured, we set off on August 21, 2004, for a Caribbean wedding!

Day One